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编辑: 浏览数: 发布时间:2019-04-12

应机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室邀请,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校Stephan Rudykh博士来访我院并作学术报告。

报告人:Stephan Rudykh Assistant Professor

时间:2019年4月15日 下午3:00



Instabilities for Dynamically Tunable Patterns and Functions of Soft Materials


Stephan Rudykh is Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin Madison. Prior to the appintment, he was on the Technion Faculty, which he joined after his postdoctoral training in Mary Boyce Lab at the MIT. Stephan Rudykh gained his PhD from the Ben-Gurion University; he was a visiting graduate student at Caltech (with Prof. Kaushik Bhattacharya) and Harvard (with Prof. Katia Bertoldi). Stephan received his MS and BS from Saint-Petersburg Polytechnical University.

Rudykh’s research focuses on the mechanics and physics of soft microstructured materials including soft active materials, bioinspired materials, switchable functional composites, and biological tissues. He uses a combination of analytical and computational approaches, as well as 3D printing and experiments to understand the nonlinear behavior of these materials.


Nature actively uses sophisticated designs of microstructures to achieve astonishing material properties and functionalities. Thus, microstructures give rise to the incredible toughness of mother-of-pearl. Another example is an octopus, an amazingly effectivesoft machinecreated by the nature. The creature can squeeze its whole body through an extremely narrow space while preserving a large variety of functionalities. The nature created soft machine comprises highly deformable composites that are characterized by different dynamically tunable microstructures and phase properties, depending on the required functionalities. Indeed, such materials are highly desirable for many applications including human-interactive soft robotics, and novel actuators and sensors, and biomedical devices.

In this presentation, I will specifically focus on the role of microstructures in the overall performance of deformable multifunctional composites. We will explore the behavior ofsoftelectroactive compositesthat gained the name of “artificial muscles.” These materials can undergo large deformations when excited by external electric fields, making them extremely attractive as multifunctional actuators and sensors. We will consider how large deformations and elastic instabilities can be used to trigger dramatic pattern transformations and control a large variety of functionalities. Recently discovered new type of instability-induced domain formations in soft composites will be presented.

The analytical and numerical findings, as well as the experimental results of 3D-printed composites will illustrate the ideas.

地址:陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049

