Name:Ying WU
Current position:Professor
BS Lanzhou University 1984.9-1988.7
MS Lanzhou University 1992.9-1995.7
PhD Xi’an Jiaotong University 2002.9-2006.12
l Work experience
2013.07-2014.01 Visiting Scientist, Yale University
2011.07-2011.08 Visiting Scholar, Warwick University
2010.11-- Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University
2007.12-2010.11 Professor, Xi’an University of Technology
2005.12-2007.12 Professor, Lanzhou University of Technology
1988.07-2005.12 Lecturer、AssociateProfessor, Lanzhou University of Technology
l Research
Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Structure
Nonlinear Dynamics of Brain Neuronal Network
• Study on the Dynamic Mechanism of the Effects of Microgravity on the Abnormal Nervous System in the Outer Space (No. 11772242)
• Study of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Neural Network Modulated by Glial Cells (No.11472202)
• Study of Dynamic Mechanism for Epilepsy Adjusted by Astrocyte (No.11272242)
• Study of Spatiotemporal Patterns of Neural Network under Noise(No.10972179)
lRepresentative Publications
1. Mengmeng Du, Jiajia Li, Liang Chen, Ying Mao,Yuguo Yu2* and Wu Ying1*. Astrocytic Kir4.1 channel and gap junction accounting for spontaneous epileptic seizure, PloS Computational Biology.(accept)
2.Jiajia Li, Yong Xie, Yuguo Yu, Ying Wu*. A neglected GABAergic astrocyte: Calcium dynamics and involvement in seizure activity[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2017, 60 (7) :1-8.
3. Rong Wang, Ying Wu*, Li Wang, et al. Structure and dynamics of self-organized neuronal network with an improved STDP rule[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017:1-14.
4.Peihua Feng, Ying Wu*, Jiazhong Zhang. A Route to Chaotic Behavior of Single Neuron Exposed to External Electromagnetic Radiation[J]. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2017, 11:94.
5.Li Jiajia, Tang Jun, Ma Jun, Du Mengmeng, Wang Rong and Wu Ying*. Dynamic transition of neuronal firing induced by abnormal astrocytic glutamate oscillation[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:32343.
6. Li Jia-Jia, Du Meng-Meng, Wang Rong, Lei Jin-Zhi* and Wu Ying*. Astrocytic gliotransmitter: Diffusion dynamics and induction of information processing on tripartite synapses[J]. International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 2016, 26(08):1650138.
7.Du Mengmeng, Li Jiajia, Wang Rong and Wu Ying*. The influence of potassium concentration on epileptic seizures in a coupled neuronal model in the hippocampus[J]. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2016, 10(5): 405-414.
8.Wang Rong, Li Jiajia, Wang Li, Yang Yong, Lin Pan* and Wu Ying*. Application of complex network method to spatiotemporal patterns in a neuronal network[J]. Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its Applications, 2016, 463:219-230.
9.Wang Rong, Wang Li, Yang Yong, Li Jiajia, Wu Ying* and Lin Pan*. Random matrix theory for analyzing the brain functional network in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.[J]. Physical Review E, 2016, 94(5-1):052411.
10.Jiajia Li, Shaobao Liu, Weiming Liu, Ying Wu*, Yuguo Yu. Suppression of electric activities in neuron and neurons of network induced by electromagnetic radiation. Nonlinear Dyn, 2016, 83(1): 801-810
11.Wang Rong, Li Jiajia, Du Mengmen, Lei Jinzhi* and Wu Ying*. Transition of spatiotemporal patterns in neuronal networks with chemical synapses[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2016, 40:80-88.
12.Jiajia Li, Ying Wu*, Mengmeng Du, Weiming Liu. Dynamic behavior in firing rhythm transitions of neurons under electromagnetic radiation. Acta Phys. Sin, 2015, 64(3): 30503
13.Rong Wang, Zhen-Zhen Zhang, Jun Ma, Yong Yang, Pan Lin, Ying Wu*. Spectral properties of the temporal evolution of brain network structure. Chaos, 2015, 25: 123112
14.Rong Wang, Ying Wu*, Shao-Bao Liu. Effect of ion channel random blocking on the spatiotemporal dynamics of neuronal network, Acta Physica Sinica 62 (22) (2013)
15.Jiakun Zhao, Ying Wu, Qingfang Liu, Chaos synchronization between the coupled systems on network with unknown parameters, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014 229 254-259
16.Wu Ying*, Li Jiajia, Liushaobao, Noise-induced spatiotemporal patterns in Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal network, Cogn. Neurodyn., 2013, 7:431–440;
17.Shao-Bao Liu , Ying Wu*, Jia-Jia Li, Yong Xie, Ning Tan,The dynamic behavior of spiral waves in stochastic Hodgkin–Huxley neuronal networks with ion channel blocks,Nonlinear Dynamics,2013,73(1-2), 1055-1063;
18.Zhao Jiakun*, Wu ying, Wang Yuying,Adaptive function Q-S synchronization of different chaotic (Hyper-Chaotic) systems,International journal of modern physics B,2013,27(21)1350109;
19.Jiakun Zhao*, Ying Wu, Yuying Wang, Generalized finite-time synchronization between coupled chaotic systems of different orders with unknown parameters, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013,74(3),479-485;
20.Jun Ma*, Ying Wu, Ningjie Wu, Haiyan Guo, Detection of ordered wave in the networks of neurons with changeable connection, Science China Series Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy ,2012-0093-R2
21.Ma Jun*, Wu Ying, Ying Heping, Jia Ya,Channel noise-induced phase transition of spiral wave in netwoks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons, Chinese Science Bulletin 2011 56(2) 151
22.Ying Wu*, Ling Hong, Jun Jiang, Wuyin Jin, Synchronization of two identical uncoupled neurons induced by noise. Dynamical Systems-Discontinuity, Stochasticity and Time-Delay, Albert C.J. Luo Editor, 2010, p217.
23.Wu Ying, Xu Jianxue*, Jin Wuyin and Hong Ling, Detection of Mechanism of Noise-induced Synchronization between Two Identical Uncoupled Neurons. Chinese Physics Letters, 2007, 24:3066-3069.
24.Ying Wu, Jianxue Xu*, Daihai He, David J.D.Earn, Generalized synchronization induced by noise and parameter mismatching in Hindmarsh-Rose neurons [J]. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2005, 23:1605-1611.