Name:Xian WANG
Current position:Professor
l Research Interests
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Numerical heat transfer, CPU/GPU large parallel numerical simulations
l Work experience
2012 – Now Associate Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
2008 – 2012 Researcher (CREST), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
2005 – 2008 Postdoc, Okayama University of Science, Japan
l Education
2002 – 2005 Ph.D. Energy and Environment Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan
1999 – 2002 M.S. Thermophysics Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
1995 – 1999 B.S. Thermal Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
l Representative Publications
1. Xian WANG*, Yanqin SHANGGUAN, Hu ZHANG, Yueming LI. Numerical study on the near-wall characteristics of compound angled film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method, Applied Thermal Engineering , 2018, 129:1670-1681.
2. Yanqin SHANGGUAN,Xian WANG*, Hu ZHANG, Yueming LI. Further investigation on the flow and heat transfer mechanism of single-jet film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method,Communications in Computational Physics,2018, 23(4), 1094-1115.
3. Yanqin SHANGGUAN,Xian WANG*, Hu ZHANG, Yueming LI. Analysis on the mechanism of evolutionary process of counter-rotating vortex pair in film cooling based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method,International Communication of heat and mass transfer,2017, 87:72-83.
4. Baolei Zhang, Yanqin SHANGGUAN,Xian WANG*, Gang CHEN, Yueming Li. Experimental investigation on sheer vortex of jet in cross-flow at low Reynolds number.Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica,2017, 38(7), 120831.
5. Yanqin SHANGGUAN, Xian WANG*, Yueming LI. Investigation on the mixing mechanism of single-jet film cooling with various blowing ratios based on hybrid thermal lattice Boltzmann method.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2016, 97: 880-890.
6. XianWANG*, Yanqin SHANGGUAN, Naoyuki ONODERA, Hiromichi KOBAYASHI, Takayuki AOKI. Direct Numerical Simulation and Large Eddy Simulation on a Turbulent Wall-Bounded Flow Using Lattice Boltzmann Method and Multiple GPUs.Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2014, 742432, 1-10.
7. Xian WANG*, Hiroyuki Hirano, Gongnan Xie, Ding Xu. VOF Modeling and Analysis of the Segmented Flow in Y-Shaped Microchannels for Microreactor Systems.Advances in High Energy Physics,2013, 732682, 1-6.
8. Xian WANG*, Takayuki AOKI. Multi-GPU performance of incompressible flow computation by lattice Boltzmann method on GPU cluster.Parallel Computing,2011, 37: 521-535.
9. Xian WANG, Hiroyuki HIRANO, Toshio TAGAWA, Hiroyuki OZOE, and Qiuwang WANG*. The behavior of micro-scaled Brownian particles in a cylinder under natural and magnetic convection flow field of air.Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: applications,2005, 47(4): 353-373.
10. Xian WANG, Qiuwang WANG, Wenquan TAO* and Ping Chueng. Simulation of rarefied gas flow and heat transfer in microchannels.Science in China, Series E- Technological Sciences,2002, 45 (3): 321-327.