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编辑: 浏览数: 发布时间:2019-05-31

应机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室Marie-Jean Thoraval教授邀请,约克大学的Pouya Rezai教授将来访我校并作学术报告。

报告人:Pouya Rezai教授



报告题目:Multiphase flow microfluidics and applications to bioseparation and drug screening


Almost everything that you can imagine is either a multiphase fluid or interacts with a fluid. Health related examples include circulating tumor cells in blood. Infectious microorganisms in food, and rare invading toxicants and heavy metals in water. Many cells and model organisms of disease that are used for research reside in fluidic environments. Detection and monitoring of these analytes are of high interest in biomedical engineering research. The fields of medical diagnostics, water monitoring, food inspection, and environmental testing are all experiencing paradigm shifts with the evolution of related MEMS and microfluidic biosensors. Excellent detection sensitivity and specificity has been achieved but only in ideal lab environments with highly controlled synthetic samples. A major bottleneck and challenge in transferring these biosensors from the lab to the point-of-care or the point-of-need is to deal with the issues associated with on-site preparation and processing of complex and real multi-phase fluidic samples.

Our lab is interested in the fundamental science and engineering of multiphase fluids from sorting and separation of microorganisms in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, to manipulation, chemical exposure and neurobehavioral screening of small-scale model organisms of neurodegenerative diseases. A common denominator in all these applications is to understand how micro-scale objects of various properties and sizes interact with each other and their fluidic environment physically, chemically and biologically. In my talk, I will provide you with some basic concepts of microparticles hydrodynamics in microfluidic channels, exploiting the advantages of channel design and passive and active forces to achieve sorting and separation of particles based on their size and inherent properties. I will also show some applications of our research in (1) separation of bacteria in water and viscoelastic fluids and (2) manipulation of small-scale organisms such as C. elegans, D. melanogaster, and D. rerio in Lab-on-a-Chip electro-fluidic devices to study Parkinson’s disease at early stages of development.

I am thankful to the organizers of this event and extremely keen to see many colleagues and friends at Xi’an Jiaotong University who are interested in establishing research and education partnerships with me and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at York University. We always welcome collaborations with expertise in all areas of science such as biology, bioinformatics, chemistry and materials as well as with MEMS, microfluidic and bioelectronics experts.


Dr. Pouya Rezai is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, York University and a researcher in the field of microfluidics and Lab-on-Chips (LoC). He obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at McMaster University in Canada and was a NSERC Visiting Fellow at Public Health Agency of Canada before starting his academic career. He is the director of the Advanced Center for Microfluidic Technology and Engineering (ACµTE), Graduate Program Director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and the bulletin Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME).

Dr. Rezai’s research interest is fundamental understanding of interactions between fluids and nano- to micro-scale biological substances in their micro-environment habitats using biomimetic microfluidic devices. He employs this knowledge to devise efficient materials and microsystems to facilitate research and development in human health-related applications. His research has been supported by NSERC, OCE, CFI, and multiple Ontario-based Ministries. Dr. Rezai has presented and published many papers in prestigious international conferences and top-tier journals. His research has been recognized by awards and recognitions including cover articles and interviews at Soft Matter and Lab-on-a-Chip journals. He has been an invited speaker at multiple national and international scientific events and developed collaborations with scientists and engineers in Canada, China and Kuwait.

地址:陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049

