报告人:Xiaozhi Hu(胡晓智)教授
时 间:2019年3月21号(星期四)15:00-16:00
地 点:航天航空学院教一楼第二会议室
报告题目:A Simple Closed-form Fracture Model for Carbon
Fibre Composites, Bone-like Bamboo Composites & Others

Strength of Materials (SM) and Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) are two separate mechanics studies, and only for brittle homogeneous materials. Currently, there are lots of errors and misinterpretations in composite property measurements, structural integrity analysis and design applications.
A recent progress in fracture modelling at University of Western Australia (UWA) is explained. A simple closed-form non-LEFM solution is obtained, which contains only the tensile strengthftand composite structure measurement (layer thicknessGfor carbon fibre composites, grain sizeGfor ceramics and rock, aggregate sizedmaxfor concrete, etc). Any university students and practical engineers can easily use the fracture strength model to analyse those aforementioned composite systems with common Excel Spreadsheets.
Probably, the most famous non-LEFM model for brittle heterogeneous solids is the Size Effect Law (SEL) from 1984 to now. SEL contains 5 different equations with more than 20 different curve-fitting parameters. Is it possible that the single closed-form solution containing onlyftandGcan do all the jobs of 5 SELs? The answer is YES!