Name:Qinghua Qin
Current position:Professor
l Research Interests
We focus on shock and impact dynamics, mechanical behaviors of lightweight materials and sandwich structures and novel designs of advanced materials and structures.
l Work Experiences
2019 – Now Professor, School of Aerospace, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
2012 – 2018 Associate Professor, School of Aerospace, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
2013 – 2014 Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore
2009 – 2011 Lecturer, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
l Education
2005 – 2009 Ph.D. School of Aerospace, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
2002 – 2005 M.S. Department of Engineering Mechanics, Taiyuan University of Technology, China
1996 – 2001 B.C. Department of Engineering Mechanics, Taiyuan University of Technology, China
l Representative Publications
1. Jianxun Zhang, Yang Ye,Qinghua Qin*,Tiejun Wang, Low-velocity impact of sandwich beams with fibre-metal laminate face-sheets. Composites Science and Technology, 2018, 168: 152-159. (SCI, EI)
2. Jianxun Zhang, Renfang Zhou, Mingshi Wang,Qinghua Qin*,Yang Ye, T. J. Wang, Dynamic response of double-layer rectangular sandwich plates with metal foam cores subjected to blast loading, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 122: 265-275. (SCI, EI)
3. Qinghua Qin, Wei Zhang, Shiyu Liu, Jianfeng Li, Jianxun Zhang, L. H. Poh, On dynamic response of corrugated sandwich beams with metal foam-filled folded plate core subjected to low-velocity impact, Composite Part A, 2018, 114: 107-116. (SCI, EI)
4. Jianxun Zhang, Yang Ye,Qinghua Qin*, T. J. Wang, Dynamic compressive response of sinusoidal corrugated core sandwich plates, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2018, 10: 1850075. (SCI, EI)
5. Chunping Xiang,Qinghua Qin*, Fangfang Wang, Xuehui Yu, Mingshi Wang, Jianxun Zhang, T. J. Wang, Impulsive loading response of rectangular metal sandwich plate with a graded foam core, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2018,10: 1850064.(SCI, EI)
6. Xuehui Yu,Qinghua Qin*,Jianxun Zhang, Siyuan He, Chunping Xiang, Mingshi Wang, T. J. Wang, Crushing and energy absorption of density-graded foam-filled square columns: experimental and theoretical investigations, Composite Structures, 2018, 201:423-433. (SCI, EI)
7. Wei Zhang,Qinghua Qin*,Jianxun Zhang, Shangjun Chen, Zili Xu, Simplified analysis of large deflections for metal sandwich plates with various lattice cores subjected to impulsive loading, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 10: 1-11. (SCI, EI)
8. Jianxun Zhang, Yang Ye,Qinghua Qin*, Large deflections of multilayer sandwich beams with metal foam cores under transverse loading, Acta Mechanica, 2018, 229:3585-3599. (SCI, EI)
9. Qinghua Qin, Xiaoyu Zheng, Jianxun Zhang, Chao Yuan, T. J. Wang, Dynamic response of square sandwich plates with a metal foam core subjected to low-velocity impact, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 111: 222-235. (SCI, EI)
10. Zhengjin Wang,Qinghua Qin*,Shangjun Chen, Xuehui Yu, Huimin Li, T. J. Wang. Compressive crushing of novel aluminum hexagonal honeycombs with perforations: Experimental and numerical investigations. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 126-127: 187-195. (SCI, EI)
11. Qinghua Qin, Chunping Xiang, Jianxun Zhang, Mingshi Wang, T. J. Wang and L.H. Poh. On low-velocity impact response of metal foam core sandwich beam: A dual beam model, Composite Structures, 2017, 176:1039-1049. (SCI, EI)
12. Mingshi Wang,Qinghua Qin*,T. J. Wang. On physically asymmetric sandwich plates with metal foam core subjected to blast loading: dynamic response and optimal design, Acta Mechanica, 2017, 228:3265-3283. (SCI, EI)
13. Jianxun Zhang, Qinghua Qin*, Yan Yang, Xuehui Yu, Shangjun Chen and T. J. Wang. Large deflection bending of clamped metal foam-filled rectangular tubes, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2017, 9:1750043-18. (SCI, EI)
14. Zhifang Liu, Zhichao Huang,Qinghua Qin*.Experimental and theoretical investigations on lateral crushing of aluminum foam-filled circular tubes, Composite Structures, 2017, 175:19-27. (SCI, EI)
15. Zhifang Liu, Wenqian Hao,Qinghua Qin*.Buckling and energy absorption of novel pre-folded tubes under axial impacts, Applied Physics A, 2017, 123:351-361. (SCI, EI)
16. Tao Wang ,Qinghua Qin*, Mingshi Wang, Wenli Yu, Jintao Wang, Jianxun Zhang, T. J. Wang. Blast response of geometrically asymmetric metal honeycomb sandwich plate: Experimental and theoretical investigations, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017, 105: 24-38. (SCI, EI)
17. Jianxun Zhang,Qinghua Qin*, Chunping Xiang, T. J. Wang. Dynamic response of slender multilayer sandwich beams with metal foam cores subjected to low-velocity impact, Composite Structures, 2016, 153:614-623. (SCI, EI)
18. Jianxun Zhang, Qinghua Qin*, Chunping Xiang, Zhengjin Wang, T. J. Wang. A theoretical study of low-velocity impact of geometrically asymmetric sandwich beams, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, 96:35-49. (SCI, EI)
19. Jianxun Zhang,Qinghua Qin*, Chunping Xiang, T. J. Wang. Plastic analysis of multilayer sandwich beams with metal foam cores, Acta Mechanica, 2016, 227, 2477–2491. (SCI, EI)
20. Jianxun Zhang,Qinghua Qin*, Weilong Ai, Zhengjin Wang, T. J. Wang. Indentation of metal foam core sandwich beams: Experimental and theoretical investigations, Experimental Mechanics, 2016, 56(5), 771-784. (SCI, EI)
21. Chao Yuan,Qinghua Qin, T. J. Wang, A yield criterion for hybrid asymmetric metal sandwich structures and its application, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2016, 8: 1650001-22. (SCI, EI)
22. Jie Zheng,Qinghua Qin*, T. J. Wang, Impact plastic crushing and design of density-graded cellular materials, Mechanics of Materials, 2016, 94:66-78. (SCI, EI)
23. Jianxun Zhang,Qinghua Qin*, Xiaohuan Han, Weilong Ai. The initial plastic failure of fully clamped geometrical asymmetric metal foam core sandwich beams, Composite Part B, 2016, 87: 233-244. (SCI, EI)
24. Chao Yuan,Qinghua Qin*, T. J. Wang. Simplified analysis of large deflection response of metal sandwich beam subjected to impulsive loading, Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226: 3639-3651. (SCI, EI)
25. Jianxun Zhang,Qinghua Qin*, Zhengjin Wang, Weilong Ai, T. J. Wang. A theoretical study of plastic analysis of fully clamped geometrical asymmetric sandwich beams with a metal foam core, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2015, 99, 98-111. (SCI, EI)
26. Mingshi Wang,Qinghua Qin*, T. J. Wang. Low-velocity impact and minimum mass design of physically asymmetric sandwich beams with metal foam core, Acta Mechanica, 2015, 226: 1839-1859. (SCI, EI)
27. Jianxun Zhang,Qinghua Qin*, Weilong Ai, Huimin Li, T. J. Wang. The Failure Behavior of Geometrically Asymmetric Metal Foam Core Sandwich Beams Under Three-Point Bending, ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2014, 81(7), 071008-12. (SCI, EI)
28. Qinghua Qin, Chao Yuan, Jianxun Zhang, T. J. Wang. Large deflection response of rectangular metal sandwich plates subjected to blast loading, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2014, 47:14-22. (SCI, EI)
29. Qinghua Qin, Chao Yuan, Jianxun Zhang, T. J. Wang. A simplified analytical model for metal sandwich beam with soft core under impulsive loading over a central patch, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2014, 74:67-82. (SCI, EI)
30. Qinghua Qin*, Jianxun Zhang, Zhengjin Wang, Huimin Li, Dan Guo. Indentation of sandwich beams with a metal foam core, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24:2440-2446. (SCI, EI)
31. Qinghua Qin, Mingshi Wang, Zhengjin Wang, Jianxun Zhang, T. J. Wang. A yield criterion and plastic analysis for physically asymmetric sandwich beam with metal foam core, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2013, 5(4): 1350037-1-26. (SCI, EI)
32. Zhengjin Wang,Qinghua Qin*, Jianxun Zhang, T. J. Wang. Low-velocity impact response of geometrically asymmetric slender sandwich beams with metal foam core, Composite Structures, 2013, 98:1-14. (SCI, EI)
33. Jianxun Zhang,Qinghua Qinand T.J. Wang. Compressive strengths and dynamic response of corrugated metal sandwich plates with unfilled and foam-filled sinusoidal plate cores, Acta Mechanica, 2013, 224: 759–775. (SCI, EI)
34. Qinghua Qin, T.J. Wang. Low-velocity impact response of fully clamped metal foam core sandwich beam incorporating local denting effect, Composite Structures, 2013, 96, 346-356. (SCI, EI)
35. Qing Hua Qin, T. J. Wang. Plastic Analysis of Metal Foam Core Sandwich Beam Transversely Loaded by a Flat Punch: Combined Local Denting and Overall Deformation, ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2012, 79(4): 041010-12. (SCI, EI)
36. Qing Hua Qin, Jian Xun Zhang, Zheng Jin Wang, T. J. Wang. Large deflection of geometrically asymmetric metal foam core sandwich beam transversely loaded by a flat punch, International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures, 2011, 1:23-46.
37. Jian Xun Zhang,Qing Hua Qinand T. J. Wang. Resistance of Metallic Foam-filled Trapezoidal Plate Core Sandwich Plate to Blast Loading, Materials Research Innovations, 2011,15:s162-165. (SCI, EI)
38. Qing Hua Qin, Jian Xun Zhang and T. J. Wang. Low-velocity Impact Response of Lightweight Metal Sandwich Panels with Corrugated Cores, Materials Research Innovations, 2011, 15: s198-200. (SCI, EI)
39. Qing Hua Qinand T. J. Wang. Low-velocity heavy-mass impact response of slender metal foam core sandwich beam, Composite Structures, 2011, 93(6): 1526-1537. (SCI, EI)
40. Qing Hua Qinand T. J. Wang. An analytical solution for the large deflections of a slender sandwich beam with a metallic foam core under transverse loading by a flat punch. Composite Structures, 2009, 88: 509-518. (SCI, EI)
41. Qing Hua Qinand T.J. Wang. A theoretical analysis of the dynamic response of metallic sandwich beam under impulsive loading. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2009, 28: 1014-1025. (SCI, EI)
42. Qing Hua Qin, T.J. Wang and Shi Zhi Zhao. Large deflections of metallic and monolithic beams under locally impulsive loading. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2009, 51, 752-773. (SCI, EI)