Name: Fangwen WANG
Current position: Associate Professor
E-mail: fwwang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
l Research Interests
Damage and fracture.
l Work experience
1987 – Now School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi’an Jiao tong University, China
l Education
2005 – 2010 Ph.D. Xi’an Jiao tong University, China
1991 – 1994 M.S. Northwestern Polytechnic University, China
1983 – 1987 B.A. Lanzhou University, China
l Representative Publications
3. Fang-wen Wang, Hong Zuo and Yi Wen, Different Failure Styles for Aluminum-Alloy Strip with Two Holes under Cyclic Tensile Loading. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 337 (2011) pp 660-664, EI:20114014400783.
2. Fang-wen Wang,Yiheng Chen. Why does the initial fatigue crack not nucleate in the region between two neighborly located holes in an Aliminum-Alloy strip[J]. Contemporary Engineering Sciences,2009, 2(11):507~ 516.
1. Fang-wen Wang,Yiheng Chen.Fatigue damage driving force based on the M-integral concept[J]. Procedia Engineering,2010, 2(1):231~239.(SCI: BPF52; EI:20102713049101)